Mitarbeiter, die Schiffs Büro verlassen hatten, wurden positiv auf Coronavirus getestet

Adam Schiff bestätigte, dass ein ehemaliger Mitarbeiter, der sein Büro verlassen hat, positiv auf Coronavirus getestet wurde. Von ANT:
A staff member who left House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff ‘s (D-N.Y.) office ten days ago tested positive for COVID-19, the congressman announced Sunday.
“Medical professionals believe that my former staff member likely contracted the virus after leaving the office, but we will still be taking additional precautions over the next few days,” Schiff said in a statement. “The former staffer is feeling better and no current staff have reported any flu-like symptoms at this time.”
Schiff noted that he had postponed district events and meetings and requested his staff telecommute from home even before receiving the information about the former staffer.
Bevor alle feiern, wollen wir uns daran erinnern, wie wir die Menschen niedergeschlagen haben, die sich darüber freuten, dass die Menschen um den Präsidenten unter Quarantäne gestellt wurden. Ok, weiter:
“Throughout this health crisis, I feel that the job of elected officials is to push out the best information possible, listen to the advice of public health professionals and scientists, and be cautious,” Schiff said.
“I’m also distinctly aware that, as a Member of Congress, I have access to affordable and quality healthcare, and that if I were sick and needed to take time off work, I would not lose a paycheck. Many Americans don’t have the same assurances, and fear the economic pains of Coronavirus, not just the potential deleterious health effects,” he added. “It’s incumbent on Congress to continue to act in their interests.”
Folgendes hat er gerade getwittert:

Nun, alle geraten in Panik. Wie ich immer wieder sage, beruhige dich, nimm es ernst, aber keine Panik, wasche einfach deine Hände. Halte dich von Menschenmassen fern. Ich bin sicher, wenn jeder seinen Teil dazu beiträgt, können wir verhindern, dass dies noch schlimmer wird.

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